Sikh Funeral

About a Sikh Funeral

Sikh funeral, commonly referred to as Antim Sanskaar, or funeral service of a departed Sikh. The Sikhs believe in the cycle of life or reincarnation which certain actions and attachments bind to this cycle.

Sikh Funeral Rituals

  • The wake will be held at the Gurdwara (Sikh temple) or other appropriate places where the Sahib (Sikh priest) will proceed with the funeral rites.
  • Cremation is preferred for Sikh funerals, and the granthi singh will take care of all the religious requirements during the entire funeral service.
  • Because the soul never dies there is no mourning of the death of Sikhs.
  • To start the funeral service, there is a community prayer with two daily prayers (Japji and Kirtan Sohila). After these are recited the cremation begins.