Jewish Funeral

About the Jewish Funeral

A Jewish funeral is usually conducted by Chevra Kadisha (holy society) or Jewish burial society consisting of volunteers to prepare the deceased for the Jewish burial in accordance to the rites and rituals of the Jewish community. In Judaism, there is no explicit afterlife and that after death, the soul of the deceased will be judged. Those who led the perfect lives will be let into the World to Come.

Jewish Funeral Rituals

  • The funeral is held in synagogues or funeral homes
  • No visitation by friends in the presence of the body before the funeral
  • Open casket or cremation is not generally accepted in the Jewish tradition.
  • Funeral service is conducted by the rabbi.
  • Rabbi leads the service and reads the eulogy – usually with 10 Jewish adults, traditionally males.
  • At the cemetery, prayers are read and family members place dirt on the coffin before burial.
  • Flowers are not appropriate for most Jewish funerals.
  • The initial mourning period lasts 7 days and is called Shiva (Hebrew for seven).

Guests for Jewish Funeral

  • Male guests are expected to wear a jacket and tie with a yarmulke as a head covering.
  • Women wear conservative apparel, a skirt or dress in somber colors but are not expected to wear a head covering.
  • It is appropriate to visit the family within 7 days of the mourning period.