
The funeral type differs because of the varied races, religions, and beliefs of the different communities in Malaysia. Being a multi-racial and multi-faith community, funeral rites and rituals can differ very much from one to another.

Here you will find the below different funeral types by religion and faith:

Non-religious Funeral

About Non-religious Funeral Non-religious funeral, similar to Atheist funeral, is for those who lived their lives without religious affiliation and reject the typically religious views…

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Sikh Funeral

About a Sikh Funeral Sikh funeral, commonly referred to as Antim Sanskaar, or funeral service of a departed Sikh. The Sikhs believe in the cycle…

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Atheist Funeral

About Atheist Funeral Atheist funerals are for those who lived their lives without religious affiliation and reject the typically religious views associated with life and…

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Chinese Funeral

Chinese funeral is an important part of Chinese social life. The importance of funeral rituals observed during the funeral service rest on the basic belief…

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Taoist Funeral

Understanding Taoist Funeral Taoist funeral represents an amalgamation of various sources and varies according to region, sect, and traditional beliefs – usually lasting between two…

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Buddhist Funeral

Understanding Buddhist Funeral Buddhist funerals are meant to be a simple, dignified, and solemn expression of bereavement. In Buddhist belief, the funeral service must be…

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Hindu Funeral

About Hindu Funerals Hindu Funeral is based on Hinduism belief that life and death are part of the concept of Samsara (or rebirth). Hindu funeral…

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Christian Funeral

Christian funeral has a strong belief in the afterlife and much of their lives are directed at achieving eternal peace in Heaven. When a Christian…

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Catholic Funeral

About a Catholic Funeral A Catholic funeral is hinged on the belief that death is the passing from the physical world to the afterlife, where…

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Jewish Funeral

About the Jewish Funeral A Jewish funeral is usually conducted by Chevra Kadisha (holy society) or Jewish burial society consisting of volunteers to prepare the…

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The above links you to the specific pages of funeral types where more information on each is available for your perusal.